Photography & Videography a by Guild Members Photography & Videography By Guild Members

Still photographers capture images from real life. Some express their artistry and skill by manipulating composition and camera settings for the original shot. Others use computer tools to vary their images. Videography involves shooting live moving images and editing them in computer software to tell a story. Both derive from real-life images and can fulfill many different communication and artistic purposes.

I retired from 33 years of teaching and moved to a small country town. I can finally devote time to my passions for photography, writing and travel. A Chinese fortune cookie I once received read, “You discover treasures where others see nothing unusual.”

Nature, architecture, light and

Caitlin Deane Photography & Videography 933

Creating photography is my passion; to translate what I see to others is my delight. 

Class held 2014 Southern Oregon Guild of Artists and Artisans

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Our Workshops & Classes

Joyful camaraderie comes with learning and working together on something you love. Our art classes and workshops bring together artists and community members to create in a variety of media. Watch our calendar.

Our Teachers

The Guild’s art workshops and classes are taught either by Guild members, who are practicing artists in their field, or by visiting Master Artists, who are regionally or nationally recognized for excellence in their disciplines. Classes in the business of art are taught by professional artists and educators who have achieved economic success in the arts.