It all started with my grandmother. She lived with us while I was growing up. She was a master at making beautiful creations out of almost nothing and was always eager to try something new. She was also patient enough to teach me how to do the same. She taught me how to knit and crochet and how to look at everyday things with a different eye, tweaking them to my own visions. As a result, I’ve become an eclectic artist, flowing from one medium to another with interest and excitement for the new adventure.

Through the years I’ve enjoyed drawing, painting (both watercolor and oil), photography, collage and three-dimensional decoupage. I worked with clay for more than twenty years and am now taking a break from that to return to my grandmother’s favorite: fiber arts. The myriad yarns available today, along with a renewed interest in stitch variations have recaptured my interest in knitting and crochet...for now. Who knows what the next adventure will be.