I retired from 33 years of teaching and moved to a small country town. I can finally devote time to my passions for photography, writing and travel. A Chinese fortune cookie I once received read, “You discover treasures where others see nothing unusual.”
Nature, architecture, light and color all play a role in my photographic images. Through photography, I try to capture scenes from everyday life that we all take for granted. I hope to show the beauty and cultural diversity that makes us unique yet binds us together.
Sit down and observe the beauty that surrounds you!
Other treasures are the light in children's eyes when they hear a good story. I delight in creating tales that light up those eyes. Inspiration can come from a grandchild's question, a meaningful gift, or some other small everyday event that triggers my imagination.
My books and photographs can be found at the Guild Gallery in Kerby and at numerous other galleries and exhibit spaces throughout southern Oregon.